January 31, 2008

Lobster's Favorite Things : Nightwatch

It's like Oprah's only I'm not giving it out .

This is my favorite book. It is Night Watch by Terry Pratchett, as you can see. This book is wonderful and very delicious when eaten with fruit spread. Yes, that's a rubber band holding the book together. It started falling apart 1 year ago. You know, when you get to certain age you just let yourself go. There's only so much abuse you can take. Let it go, just let it go... . I'm gonna start my geekspeek now so you may want to step back.
I love this book more than I do my brother. I love it because Vimes kicks ass in this. I love it because you get to see Reg, Nobby, Colon, the ladies of negotiable affections, young Sam Vimes and mostly Vetinari when they were younger. The only way they could make this better is if they had more Carrot. That'll be awesome. More Carrot. It helps your night vision, you know, carrots. Also, this is when Sam gets little Sam. Wow. My favorite part of the book is A) when the committee of the The Glorious People's Republic of Treacle Mines Road were discussing what they want to put on their new crest (Truth! Justice! Reasonably Priced Love! Freedom! And a hard-boiled egg) B) the ingenious way Keel dismantled all attacks on the barricade. C) any scene with Mossy Lawn or Vetinari D)Night Watchman's oath

It's more than a Discworld book. You'd notice societal implication and political nuances in it. It is a Ankh Morpork history happening and it adds depth to all the other books in the series. On top of the drama and suspense of the plot and colorful characters. Pratchett is a bloody genius, by Io! This book is witty, mind boggling, fucking well written, entertaining and most of all, funny. There are jokes that you wont get the first time around but will make you snort out rice through your nose the next time you read. It's not a book. It's an evolution, in a handy paperback shape. I always bring a book when I go anywhere and this book is my most oft travel companion. Would explain the dragged-behind-a-garbage-truck look.

So there. The thing I love most in this world. This book. Can you tell?

Stay tune for the next installment of Nella's Favorite Things. la la tu tu tu la la laa (theme song)


SITI said...

Ya, aku Siti Fatimah, dan aku merindui kau di saat ini.

ultimatecass said...

a dork at its best. haha

disputed lamb said...

Siti Fatimah : rinduku padamu senantiasa

Atie : why thank you ati. what a nice thing to say (im taking it as a compliment.)

ultimatecass said...

hahah it takes one to know one babes. so yeah. go dorks!