June 16, 2008

Put my head down and cry

It's Monday and I came in work 20 minutes late.
I haven't had time to make my coffee.
I already have the meetings minutes that I've had to redo 6 times ready because I was supposed to send them to the boss's office last week, my supervisor just dropped a 330 (three hundred and thirty) pages UNESCO Budget report on my desk asking me to an executive summary by Friday, and about 6 other various letters for me to attend to; on top of the menstrual cramps.
It was father's day yesterday and it didn't go well.
Because (and only because) my browser's start-up page is the Postsecret Blog, I went for quick read through before starting on work.
I (almost) cried when I read this postcard.

Happy Belated Father's Day, Abah.
I'm sorry and I love you.

Let's get me some coffee now, shall we?
Blubbering, hormonal, emo mess is not a good look on me.

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