October 04, 2005

wentworth miller

post graduation and pre employment break.
how long does one have before the graduate turn into a hopeless bum?
do i realy need to get a job now?

number of time a job being offered via phone: 3
number of time i opened the reqruitment section in local paper: 5
number of time jobs circled in red from the papers: 4
number of time any i took any actions to apply for job from the papers: -nil-
number of time ppl asked me to mail my resume: 3
number of time i posted my resume: -nil-
number of time i was personally intived to attend a walk in interview: 2
number of time i attended any walkin interview i was personally invited: -nil-

pushing my luck, ythink?
oh yes, im really perked up and all set to go find a job.
the word youre looking for is pathetic.
do i really need to get a job now?

1 comment:

ultimatecass said...

heck, nell! after all those years studying ur ass off, u deserve a few months to just bum around!