June 12, 2004

former life: paraplegic cuban sloth

im too friggin lazy to do anything
~wat else is new, eh?
was wif big, grande plans for my blogging career~now dat i kno there's actually people reading it. phreaks!
but suprise-i was too lazy to do it. still am.


i got this somewhere:lazy::the idle, the slothful, those who waste time, those who procrastinate, those who slack off, those who would rather be napping, those who take the elevator, and those who prefer their meals to be "instant"
and i thot to miself "i cudnt describe miself any betta than that"

oh im happy. n if u haf a problem wif dat-too bad. right now, im too lazy to care. yay!

so here's to all those slackers and laze'rs out there. cheers!

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