November 07, 2004


name: nella
dob: september, 5th 1983
location: home
occupation: student by default

- appearance -
hair: black; somewhat sunbleached
eyes: black
height: 5'3" onna gud day
style: depending on my medication
clothing: jeans/khakis & dark tshirt
make up: not when i can avoid it.
bodyart: multiple piercing?

- right now -
wearing: pajamas!
listening to: over and over (nelly feat tim mcgraw)
thinking of: eid card mailing list
where are you: family room
who are you with: moms laptop and my alter ego, jeremiah ali

- last thing -
bought: chickin pasta and snickers bar
read: terry pratchetts 'men at arms'
watched on tv: jon steward daily news on comedy central
said: that i need to use the line to my sister. about an hour ago. she said 5 minutes

- either/or -
tea or coffee: tea, sworn off coffee
achiever or slacker: self committed slacker, pseudo achiever millions have been fooled *evil laffter*
paperbacks or hardcover: paperbacks, anytime
cats or dogs: cows?
single or taken: taken but independently content
pen or pencil: three sharp pencils, a la jean ashworth bartle.
cassette or cd: CD.
coke or pepsi: coke. no questions about it
matches or a lighter: lighters are more practical. matches for their aesthetic values
rikki lake or oprah winfrey: oprah.

- who do you want to..? -
kill: my sister. oi, i need to use the line
get really wasted with: jenn joe. hes big fun. no guilt
be like: shirley temple *gratingly sweet and perky. wif curls*
avoid: certain member of the faculty. @least until aftr raya
kiss: leave me ur add, ill email u the list
be with: my bf. selected few skool frens. frens. sum of my starbux buddies.

- last person you -
touched: my mom while passing her the sauce during dinner
talked to: neo on the phone. my sister across the room
hugged: seriously cant remember
instant messaged: ubik r u married yet?
kissed: my baby bro? gosh lemme think..yeah, prolly my brother
who broke your heart: never got that far
fought with: my bloody sister again. adoption anyone?
you talked to on the phone: neo

- where do you -
eat: at home now so dining room/kitchen. but i snacked watching tv just now
dance: i dun club, so my room or wherever the groove needs it to be
cry: on the commode, in the toilet. no one can kno
wish you were: in san fransisco, dun ask

- have you ever -
dated one of your best friends?: yes both male and female
loved somebody so much it makes you cry?: can i get back on dis?
had alcohol?: never
done drugs?: prescribtion counts? either way, no
broken the law?: hell yes
ran away from home?: nope, not from lack of trying tho.
broken a bone?: all intact
cheated on a test?: erm, yes. duh
skinny dipped?: nope. where?
played truth or dare?: stupid, but yes
flashed someone?: almost, but no
mooned someone?: Yes.
kissed someone you didn't know?: definitely no
been on a talk show/game show?: Nope.
been in a fight?: oh yes. people, meet my sister and my two brothers and my mom
been on a plane?: yeah *scoff*
come close to dying?: I had a shoe thrown at me once.
cheated on your boy/girlfriend?: now i cant honestly answer dis and xpect to live, can i?
gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride?: yes
swam in the ocean?: kinda hard not to when its 5 minutes off campus
had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up?: yes.imagination overkill
really kissed someone of the same sex: erm, no...
touched a monkey: more than once actually. last was in lake toba

- your ideal -
guy/girl: ty pennington or freddie ljungberg but im willing to settle. lalala
your bedroom like?: airy, lotsa colors.think, ikea
your favorite thing for breakfast?: toast and butter
your favorite thing for lunch?: chicken anything (fajitas) fresh vege
your favorite thing for dinner?: sumthing wif desert
birthday present: complete works of roald dahl and terry pratchett

- future -
what day is it tomorrow?: sunday
what are you going to do after this?: sleep
who are you going to talk to?: my mom about my sister hogging the line
where are you going to go?: bed
how old will you be when you graduate?: 21 plus plus
what do you wanna be?: very rich, very happy
what is one of your dreams?: hanging out with the gunners 49ers and have freddie propose marriage

- are you -
a vegetarian?: no way
a good student: no. im bloody smart tho. really. i am.
good at cooking: NO!
good at knitting/sewing/quilting:no no no no no
a good singer?:like to think so.seriously, no. passable.nothng special (cowell?)
a good actor/actress?: oh yes. just no cameras please
a deep sleeper?: no and i can sleep anywhere
good dancer?: im okay
shy?: HA!
outgoing?: Well, what do you think, stranger? ;)
a good storyteller?: pull up a chair...
last words?: rideo risi risum meus bovis.lusus natura, noli me tange

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