thoughts throughout:
- is it my turn yet?
- damn, this robe is heavy..
- how the hell do u wear this stuff?
- hot hot hot
- everyone looks different
- hot hot HOT
- one more 'are u working yet?' question and im gonna scream..
- cant believe im actually graduating
- when is it gonna be my turn?
- his robe is damn weird
- he is damn weird
- im actually graduating! wow
- bloody freaking hot
- sweat profusely
- gfarking HOT
- my new shoes is damn kewl
- funny how i never talked 2 words to this guy before and now we r exchanging lame jokes
- gray people sitting on a stage in
- dry sweat, dry
- my turn
- dont stumble, do not stumble
- left feet, right feet, left feet, smile, take scroll, smile, left feet, right feet..
- i didnt stumble..
- i actually graduated..that wasnt so hard...
- what the fuck is that smell.....dedicated to those who knows
now back to being unemployed.
Hi disputed lamb,
Awesome post!
Hello disputed lamb (I hope that is the right name):
Hi my name is hoe bing and I have been on a research mission to crack the problem that is children with adhd.
You see ADHD is my passion and I have been pursuing it in the most holistic way possible. In fact that is exactly what brought me to your blog. Last week I spent 10 hours during the weekend trying to sort out the wheat from the chaff when it came to ADHD websites but no luck there. Most of the websites were of a commercial nature, no one was really interested in providing a full picture and I was getting disheartened.
By chance though I stumbled upon a few personal blogs, like Charles Blanc who is the adhd adtivist. Charles blog was personal and informative and he was exceptionally kind (responded to my post within a few hours and we have been working together to get the word out since).
disputed lamb, my intention is really simple, basically my subscribers are looking for quality information and so far it is personal blogs like yours that have yielded the best unbiased information. I would like to request your help.
Because of the great response from other blog owners I have decided to create my own blog called the adhdpodcaster. If you have some time please take the time to post information that you would find useful to my subscribers.
Please don't limit yourself, just like the great job you have done at your blog put whatever information you have come across. The different areas that I am working hard to get more information on is the involvement of sleep and adhd, nutrition, relationships, cognitive behaviour therapy, subliminals and also learning tools.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your blog, it makes great reading and keep up the good work.
Have a great day.
Warmest regards,
Hoe Bing
Hi disputed lamb,
I was browsing for information on children adhd when I came across your site and boy am I glad I did.
Although not totally the same, I believe that the work we are doing has some synergy to it.
I am researching information on adhd in general and am trying to make as many connections as possible so that my subscribers can have the maximum chance of controlling their adhd.
Are there any resources on children adhd that you recommend I visit?
Would very much appreciate your input on the subject.
Thank you for your blog post.
Warmest regards,
Hoe Bing
Hi disputed lamb,
After much heavy reading your blog provided just the right amount of fun. Thank you :)
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