September 13, 2007

Most Disgusting

I've been unconciously working on this list lately. It's my "most disgusting stuff" list and I have been working on it especially when I'm driving everyday. I find the exercise fun and therapeutic. I'm still working on it so adjustments to the rankings may happen.

Nella's List of Things Most Disgusting
  1. Dead babies (see: Trainspotting)
  2. Dentures.
  3. Fresh roadkill.
  4. Male VPL.
  5. Dried pee on (communal) toilet seats.
  6. Suspect hair on toilet seats.
  7. Ingrown toenails.
  8. Stale vomit.
You can help me think of more stuff. Oh yes, I generally have nothing better to do.

1 comment:

ultimatecass said...

i agree with all of urs. here's more to be considered:
- dried disgusting greenish-yellow phlegm in sink
- taik hidung on walls/mirror
- dirty looking chewed gum on walls/under tables
- huge ass pimple on face with very obvi yellow gunk about to explode