December 31, 2007

Say What

I know that some (defining quantity less than 1) people read my posts. Okay. Some of you are my friends and sometimes you have nothing better to do. I'm not delusional.
But I was nicely startled to find out that a Karl Urban fan site had my blog referred to my Pathfinder movie review. Wonders of wonders. She/He was even cool enough to quote me. Me! Oh what joy.
Anyways. I thought you should know. So you don't feel alone. Feel free to insert my witty writings in your conversations now. Like, "..admittedly the blogger Nella did say in her post that cabbages are the most revolting vegetable in the world.." or "Did you read the post Nella wrote on the wonder of brown wrapping your textbook?". You know, to add more spice in your conversations and for you to appear more erm, resourceful.
Happy New Year, my cuddly porpoises! Hope you did not regret too many things you did in 2007 and here's to looking to a whole other year of flustering about stuff that is not really important. Have a good one!

1 comment:

ultimatecass said...

hey i read ur blog. so there's 1 right there. woot!