It's Earth Day, and being the tree hugger that I am, I am proud to say that I played my part and chipped in some extra help to conserve the environment today. Today, I went online shopping. Hurrah. How could that remotely helped anyone, you asked? Well, I online. shopped. ..I see I probably need to draw this out for you, eh?
You see, when I spend
You're welcome, earth.
But seriously though, little things you could do to help around;
- refuse plastic/paper bags when purchasing things. If it's small enough to carry or to put in your handbag, you don't need the bags anyway right?
- try to practice using shopping bags (the reusable cloth/canvas/sturdy plastic ones)when buying groceries. I have heaps. I could give you one if you want. Avoid using the thin bags that you can only use once. Do you have any idea how long it takes to degrade that stuff. Bring your own bag to the market. Make sure you have some old newspapers to wrap the wet, gooey, icky stuff.
- print both sides of paper (sounds easy but harder to put into practice)
- register for online accounts for credit cards, banks, etc. This means less paper are used to print for statements/bills every months.
- care more about your purchase. Do not support companies/product that aren't environment friendly or in non degradable packaging.
- just fucking recycle. I think the ozone hole is a good size now for you to start, no?
- reuse, don't refuse. Donate things before chucking them out. Waste management is a serious problem.
Missed out on some hilarious Rudy and JJ Earth Day Special show this morning. Bummer. Hope they'll re-air.