February 17, 2010

Not Dead

Nothing like getting spammed to spur you into pushing an update. I will try to find the time to, I promise. Okay, I will try harder.

On that note, this blog's layout is ugly.
What the hell was I thinking wei?


Unknown said...

dude...it's psychedelic. lulls us into believeng what ever you wrote here.

welcome back

Afzan Aini said...

oh, seb baik masih idu.

Ye, layout blog sgt huduh, nak bgtau awal2 lagi tapi takut ko marah. Ahahahahaha, jgn marah. syg nell.

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

dude, i love the anon comment. what does it means?

disputed lamb said...

yeah man. talk about random. whoa. bace banyak kalo buleh high dowh. magic words.

Anonymous said...
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