March 03, 2010

17 Reasons Why it is Cool to Have 17 Plain Black T-Shirts

So Nadia has been giving me grief about my 17 pairs of plain black Ts that I own. Why, I have no idea. There's nothing strange with my dress sense. I have 17 perfectly good reason why it is perfectly okay to own 17 black tshirts.
  1. Black tshirts are cool, says James Dean
  2. Black tshirts are cool, says me (yes, I am going to shamelessly cheat on this list. Deal)
  3. It matches with practically anything..
  4. ..hence, you save time when picking stuff to wear
  5. You can go crazy when you accessorize..
  6. ..cause when you wear patterns or colors you should really rein in the add-ons
  7. Same t-shirt, 7million different looks
  8. You can buy them in bulks (yes, I am cheap. Don't judge)
  9. Makes me look thinner
  10. Makes anyone look thinner
  11. Slogan tshirts are for idiots (I only own 2 of those kinds)
  12. I'm incredibly messy and stain doesn't show on black. Yay black!
  13. It's rocker punk, it's goth, it's adult sombre, it's hip, it's fun, it's anything you want it to be
  14. Black is timeless
  15. I look good in black
  16. My personality makes up for my lack of color
  17. I only have 16 pairs cause my mom threw one away so I don't really need a 17th reason now, do I?
So there. Satisfied? Do you now see why it is perfectly okay to own some-number amount of black Ts? I am not weird Nadia. You are. Ahem.


Ina Khairuddin said...

Girlfriend need some color in her life

disputed lamb said...

colors are overrated

disputed lamb said...
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Anonymous said...

wat? kenapa tiba2 aku dimasukkan dalam ini blog? hehe..

u have a weird way of showing tat u miss me, lamb. muahahaha..


disputed lamb said...

sure. i miss you. that is why ure all over this blog. not that im shamelessly exploiting our friendship to garner attention that is solely self-serving in every single way. nope. not that at all...

ultimatecass said...

wow. I have 4, which I thought was more than enough. U win hands down. Do tank tops count anyway? Does this mean I need to get more?