Malaysians and our ADD syndrome.
we have blessedly short term memory, us malaysians. i think i helps us sleep better at night. we are probably the most forgiving race of humanoids ever to grace the planets. we resolve issues mainly by not remembering it. limited brain capablities to persue one matter if another pops up midway. as i said, its probably how we sleep at night.
malaysian government are probably the most lucky government in this civillised society for th people would let them away with anything. not by purpose, of course, just through sheer memory loss on any wrong doings they've comitted.
and being slick as they are, theyve discovered this flaw of the public long time ago. therefore incurring two things to happen, one: they do what ever they feel like doing. two: they would just take longer to do anything in a viable hope everyone would just forget all about it later. and most of the time, they would.
i remembered the whole uproar one time about a multimillion ringgit farewell party organized for a government officer. the whole country was shocked. people were pointing fingers and everyone was making excuses (which was lame cause the are no known rationale for anyone to throw a million ringgit party at the taxpayers expense, unless u found the cure for cancer or successfully kill bush). i remembered everyone was furious, the government was indignant, the public was affronted, everyone properly incensed.but as i remembered correctly, there was no proper ending to that fracas. no one was obviously chastised for wasting (no other way of putting it) money to throw a overweight, rich datuk pension party. it just died down and soon no one remembers anything and everything just went away. we were okay again. we moved on.
same thing about the fuel price hike. if that were to happen in any other country, man, we would have a revolution in hand, people throwing rocks and burning public property (we would be stupid like that) and getting hurt. sure, the hike was gonna happen anyways but we sure made it easy for the government. not a voice of protest. just some murmurs that died down as soon as we came to term about the whole thing, which was in 5 seconds. we know theyre lying, we know there are more to the hike than just channeling the funds to public transport, and we know that reason is a joke. but we are okay with it. lets just move on.
recently there that waste dumping problem. and its a big problem. the health hazard and the whole big mess (pun intended) the wastage system of the country is nothing to sneeze at. what we know is that theyre clearing valuable forest space or ridiculously close to human population areas to dump waste and its not even the right way. river are getting poisoned and people are suffering. quietly. very quietly. no publicity, please. we would do one or two news feature but we want it to go away after that ok? we like our specially flavored running water and we love the scent wafting from the dumps. seriously. its like, here, im complaining, ure taking note of this? good. follow-up? what the hell for? ive done my job, right. u guys take it from here. what, u have no intention whatsoever to do anything about this? alright then, here, have a marmalade sandwich on ur way out.
and there are more issues that died a horrible premature albeit natural death. the deforestation in selangor and pahang and perak. the consistent misuse and misconduct of ministers. the enforcement of ridiculous and nepotic-funding laws. but malaysians, we are peaceful people man, we hate confrontational stuff. we would a press meeting or two to air the complain but as soon as we have the attention of the cute newscasters and got a date lined up, its as good as case closed. and we only have one brain, theres just so much we can remember. i mean, if u want us remembering something new, than something old would just have to make way for it.
pathetic bunch. us.
watever dudes. im off to sniff water.
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