March 26, 2007

Monday Mystery

I am having the weirdest Monday.

I went to bed around 2 a.m last night after checking up with some friends and some light surfing. I was pretty sure I turned the light off before crawling into bed. This morning I woke up around 6.30 am to a very bright room. The light was on and I always lock the door before I sleep so there's no way anyone could walk in and switch the light on. And even if, what the hell for?
I was thoroughly confused and spent my morning drive to work thinking of an explanation on the off-light-on-again scenario. It wouldn't so spooky if I wasn't dead sure that I switched it off in the first place.

Arriving at work I had a second moment of weirdity when I can't, forthelifeofme, remember what floor my office is at. I stood a full 3 minutes staring at the numbers panel in the elevator frantically trying to recall if whether I work on the 7th or 8th floor. Now, this may sound like some inane episode of morning fag-brain to some but this has never happened to me before and I was almost hyperventilating when I seriously forgot my floor. It is the 8th, if you should know.

The rest of the day was pretty normal, thank God. But just now, the weirdest thing yet just happened.

I was fiddling with my digital camera. The last time I used it was during my dad's birthday party early this month and ever since then the camera I kept in my drawer. Quite inaccessible to anybody else. So, someone please explain why, sweet Santa's cookies, oh why is there a snapshot of myself, sleeping in bed, in what suspiciously look like yesterday's jammies.

Tell you the truth, I am a tad spooked.
Coincidence? I think not.
My theory: Alien midget badgers, they're here and they will take us allllll....

March 23, 2007

Try living it.

I'm sorry if my life is not up to your usual standard of entertainment.

March 20, 2007

300 - end

mak made me promise to not watch it anymore.
she said there's obsession and there's insanity and there's total money wasting.
not that i agree but she did make me promise.
so there. no more 300 in wayangs.

but i made sure the fine print mention that the promise should exclude instances when people belanja me watch.

March 16, 2007

300 - III

still not over it.

should i get help?

March 13, 2007

300 - II

that much sweeter the second time around.
still not over this movie. gosh.
should be able to break my old record LoTR-FoTR wayang record (2001, 11 times).
my quest for the best movie ever has ended.
life, as i know it, has lost its meaning.
here's to 300.

March 10, 2007


will try to write more as soon as i recover from the gorgeousness that is 300. gurgle.

March 08, 2007


I pass this one street light on my way to work and earlier this week I noticed it has something dangling from it. I figured it was a bit of paper tangled up in some length of rope from a poster or banner that the wind blew up to the light pole.
Well this morning while I was waiting for the light to turn green, I found myself directly underneath the dangling bit of white stuff from the said pole. Apparently its not paper; its a dead pigeon, tangled and dead and decomposing away merrily 10 feet above the ground.
I got a good look at the bird and I believe some of the more energetic maggots fell onto my windshield.
As the dead bird swayed gently in the morning breeze, I thought to myself, I wouldn't want to be the guy who's riding behind some lorry and getting smacked in the face by a rotting pigeon. I love my small, little Kelisa a little bit more today.

And since we're on the topic, I have the clip of the fat, oily middle age officer kissing and groping a tudung'ed girl in a elevator everyone has been talking about. Slimier than watching maggots on a dead pigeon, I tell you. Be happy to email it to anyone who wants it; in the true spirit of spreading joy around and everything. You're welcome.

March 02, 2007

no mood

i planned to write a very interesting post on 'The Oval-About of Death' but arsenal lost (again) last night to blackburn rovers so now im sulking and have decided not to.

and the oval-about post was gonna be such a great story too. this is what u get for pissing me off.

sulking too much to care about punctuation and capitalisation.

dis so sux.


March 01, 2007


I love toast.
My favorite breakfast is toast with butter.
But I can eat toast at any time of the day.
Hot toast soaked with golden butter.
Nothing else, just melted butter and lots of it that makes your arteries go clang just by looking.
I don't like jams on my toast and marmalade gives me stomach aches.
Just a well done white bread toast smothered with butter.
Love it.

I just found out that my mom gave the toaster we had at home for my brother to bring to college.
Now that I'm done being mad, I have decided to buy a toaster of my very own. I mean, destitute as I am, how expensive can a toaster be, right? And this amounts to desperate and definitely necessary purchase.
So that I can make scrumptious toasts forever and ever.
Delicious to the power of infinity.

I am fasting today and this may explain my unnatural fixation with this subject. Guess what I am going to break fast with? Yummy.