July 05, 2007

The Dissapearing Act That Went Unnoticed

Did anyone notice that I was gone for one whole week? No? Wow, I'm that unimportant, huh? Oh well, I still got to go Medina and Mecca for my umrah. Hah. Enjoy the pictures, you bunch of ungrateful louts. -yells Lamb to her invisible and non existent audience.

Masjid AnNabawi, Madinah.

Tamar Farm with Big Little Brother.

Alumrah Entrance, Masjidil Haram, Mekah with Big Sister.
(she's the smaller one on the left)

Boundary marker of Haram Area.


Afzan said...

Alhamdulillah.. dah gi umrah kawan aku nih.. bagus2.. weh, jom kenduri Fatin nnt!

ultimatecass said...

r u now back with tudung constantly on tht head of urs?
tee hee hee
the whole reason why ive always dodged the umrah issue
me love me tiny dresses too much

disputed lamb said...

erm..aah..urm..oh look, a mountain lion!

*classic attention distraction manouver*

ultimatecass said...

hahaha that statement already answered my question

Afzan said...

atie, why i can't view ur blog? cam ade prob ngan display die ke ape ntah..