July 04, 2006

on being an evil person

i hate chain e-mails.
i really do.
people send u emails or messages saying blah blah blah, if u send this to 15 different people then u'll get a gold hamburger but if you dont, well, your frog is a murdering shithead.
the latest one i got was about selawats and istighfars and here's the punchline, if i dont forward it my friends it means i've succumbed to the devil and doomed to hell hereafter.
but what pisses me more is the number of friends who would actually forward the dang emails as per instruction.
i mean, dude, you will not get luckier in love nor would you receive a mangmillion dollars nor would the sky wont fall on you nor would your friendster's account would close nor would would you save a baby's life.
it just doesnt make sense.
the other time i would just be amazed by the sheer LOSER attributes some people have to actually come up with these things.
man, some people sure have nothing to do.

i know for a fact that some chains have been circulating for more than 2 years now. thats pretty amazing considering. ive received the same chain emails from total opposite of my network ends.
i guess gullible fools are born everyday.
and i noticed emails propagating bad omens like "should you fail to forward this to 67 million people you shall have green hair growing out of your ears and then you shall die" would have better chances of being circulated than chains offering good lucks, love or joy.
never underestimate the power of paranoia, i always say.
i never said that before actually but you get the idea.
chain emails, they make the world come together.

but what do i care, im already destined for hell anyways.

1 comment:

ultimatecass said...

chain mails drive me nuts.. esp those forwarded to me via the msg function on friendster.. those dumb effers shud just be swallowed whole by huge green blobs. no?