April 20, 2006

wentworth miller

bugger this.

i love my guess cuff watch. dad bought it for my 21st birthday. its very indiana jones looking, wide brown leather strap, square bronze colored erm, watch thingy. love it to bits.
last time i went to pangkor and went for a dip in the sea, i had my leather watch on. so afterwards when i had to go to a meeting the leather strap was all damp and eww. genius me thought for a quick fix, i would turn on the hair dryer and put the watch in front of it and it would dry in no time.
fucking retard, i was.
apparently leather, when heat is applied so blantantly, shrivells. the loopy loops you have on the end bits of the strap, the one where you tuck the tail in, was dried so distortedly, i fell to bit when i picked it up. both of it, even the one near the buckle bit. bugger that.
ive been living with my loopless watch for a while now, i still love to bit.
yesterday, someone suprised me just outside the washroom and i dropped the watch. brilliant, now the glass is cracked. i went mental.
called the malaysia guess watch service center to ask about replacing the whole damaged bits of my discriminated watch.
a new strap is 95 ringgit.
the glass bit is 45 ringgit.
thats a 140 ringgit worth of watch repair.
i cant bloody afford a 140 ringgit worth of repair.
i could buy a swatch watch for that.
but i dont like swatch watches, they tick too loudly, the loud ticking ticks me off.
but i dont have 140 ringgit.
bummer aint it?


Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.